Starting a service running with dogs – best job ever!

want to get started as a pet dog walker or grow your pet dog walking business? You’ll want to Click the link HERE.

Many of you know I started a successful pet dog running service called Run That Mutt back in 2008.

This was one of the best decisions of my life, and considering that then, lots of people have reached out, trying to find recommendations on starting their own similar businesses. For this reason, I wrote an ebook about the process, which is available here. It applies to pet dog walkers, too.

I also offer consulting sessions for people who would like additional ideas. This is a great way to get feedback and encouragement from someone who’s been there. If you’d like a lot more info on this, shoot me an email (

This post features three others who’ve established their own successful pet dog running businesses. Whether you’re interested in pet dog running/walking as a occupation or are considering leaving your current job for any reason, I think you’ll find their stories inspiring.

Sarah Ladwig, owner of Paws & Go

Sarah Ladwig officially launched Paws & Go in 2012, although she said she spent a good six months making sure everything was in place ahead of time as far as insurance, building her web site, etc.

She said she uses running and off-leash hiking, and currently covers about 35 miles per week running with dogs and another 20 or so hiking. These hikes also make for great action photography. Seriously, check out her photos below!

Here’s what Sarah had to say about Paws & Go:

That Mutt: What is one of the best parts about your job?

Sarah: I absolutely love setting my own schedule. Yes, of course, I adore the dogs I work with, but if we’re talking perks, being my own boss trumps everything.

If I need to take an afternoon off to get to a doctor’s appointment or pick a friend up from the airport, I can coordinate with my clients in development and never have to describe it to a superior.

When my husband and I plan a summer holiday trip, I let my clients know a couple months ahead of time, and they plan accordingly. The freedom, which undoubtedly comes with responsibility and thoughtfulness, is something I do not take for granted.

TM: What recommendations would you give someone else who is thinking about starting a similar business?

S: get as much lined up ahead of time as possible. While you’re still working or not quite ready to make the leap into the business, get all your ducks in a row.

Being licensed and insured is pretty much a no-brainer around here; are there permits or certifications you need in buy to become a licensed pet dog walker in your area? zjistit. Don’t skimp on your logo either. one of the single best investments I ever made was to hire a professional graphic designer — my service logo has pleased a lot of people, and it’s a great conversation starter, too.

TM: Is there anything else you’d like people to know?

S: before my husband shocked me with Lindsay’s ebook, I really had no idea that pet dog running/walking/hiking could possibly be an acceptable or rewarding line of work.

I come from a family of lawyers, doctors, college professors, and always felt like pet dog walking would be unacceptable in their eyes. two years later, my service is thriving and growing week-to-week, and my family is always asking questions about the newest dogs and what sort of adventures and stories I have to share.

I still have moments where I can’t believe this is my life. I make a living running and hiking with dogs, and people value and support my business, and me. If your heart tells you that this is something that could bring you happiness and fulfillment, choose it.

Don’t listen to any individual who discourages you. soak up the support from those who believe in you, because when you’re living your dream, you’ll be thankful you did.

And I’d be remiss if I didn’t give a shout out to my darling husband, Adam, who told me to choose it when we’d only been dating for six months. Without his love, vision, and exceptional cheerleading skills, life would be very different, and undoubtedly less fulfilling. I love you, Adam!

Jennifer Stack, owner of Run Those Dogs

Jen started Run Those Dogs in 2013. She said pet dog running is her niche, but she also uses pet dog walking and pet sitting. On a normal Monday through Friday, she covers 35 to 45 miles with dogs, depending on the week.

She is visualized with her pet dog Lilo.

Here’s what Jen had to say about Run Those Dogs:

That Mutt: What is one of the best parts about your job?

Jen: BeingSe zvířaty denně, zejména se psy, zatímco se dostanou do dobrého cvičení.

TM: Jaká doporučení byste dali někomu jinému, kdo přemýšlí o zahájení podobného podnikání?

J: Ujistěte se, že tato služba je něco, o čem jste opravdu nadšení! Dobrovolně běžet nebo chodit na psy na chvíli, než začnete službu, pokud si nejste zcela jisti, jen abyste věděli, do čeho se dostáváte.

Je to opravdu tvrdá práce a rozhodně ne pro každého. Mějte své postupy a držte se jich, jakmile zahájíte firmu.

TM: Jaká doporučení máte k nalezení prvních pár klientů?

J: Představte se do jiných služeb ve vaší oblasti služeb. Některé služby jsou tak zaneprázdněné, že potřebují někoho, na co se může odkazovat. Pošlete jim e -mail a zeptejte se, zda se můžete setkat s kávou, zeptejte se jich, jak jim můžete pomoci. Je to skvělý způsob, jak se tam dostat a navázat přátele. To pro mě opravdu fungovalo! V oboru jsem vytvořil několik úžasných přátel.

TM: Je ještě něco, co byste chtěli vědět, že lidé vědí?

J: Toto je ta nejuspokojivější práce, jakou jsem kdy měl. Skutečnost, že je to moje vlastní služba, to dělá ještě mnohem více! Pokud máte rádi zvířata, cvičte, tvrdou práci a nevadí vám být venku za všech druhů počasí, může to být služba pro vás!

Sharon Wollenberg, majitelka 4 nohou a vodítka

Sharon začala v roce 2011 4 nohy a vodítko. Kromě provozních sezení uvedla, že její služba používá v jejím domě

Sharon uvedla, že se psy pokrývá nejméně 30 mil týdně a nyní najala milovníky domácích zvířat, aby pro ni pracovali.

Tady je to, co Sharon musela říct asi 4 nohy a vodítko:

To Mutt: Jaká je jedna z nejlepších částí vaší práce?

Sharon: Práce se zvířaty, přináší klid mé zákazníkům a užívá si venku.

TM: Mohl byste uvést příklad něčeho zvláštního, co jste udělali pro klienta, že se možná nedostali jinde?

S: Po každé návštěvě posíláme text, abychom jim dali vědět, že jejich štěně bylo procházeno a obvykle také fotka. Dáváme jim aktualizaci a ujišťujeme se, že mají vždy sladkou vodu. Přinášíme balíčky dodávané u předních dveří, pokud zůstanou venku.

Pro stravování jim pošleme text, abychom jim dali vědět, že jsou usazeni a daří se dobře. Také zveřejníme jejich fotky na sociálních médiích.

TM: Jaká doporučení byste dali někomu jinému, kdo přemýšlí o zahájení podobného podnikání?

S: Pokud máte lásku ke zvířatům, vyberte ji! Dejte svou nejlepší nohu dopředu. It is very rewarding!

TM: Is there anything else you’d like people to know?

S: best thing I ever did. I just love what I do. I think that is one of the reasons I am so successful. give the clients what they want; love their animals like they do.

Thank you Sharon, Jen and Sarah for sharing your experience!

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